Tori Allred

This life is short. Do what you love and love what you do!

During the day, I teach. In the evenings, I write. Weekends are for pretty photos.

Tricks of the Trade!!

Teachers are human

I’m going to make two controversial statements.1. All teacher’s make mistakes.2. Students absolutely need to see those mistakes. I’ll give you a minute. Ready to move on? Good. Now, I know that most teachers believe students will never trust them if they are seen as erroneous, messy or forgetful. Let’s be honest with ourselves. Not…

Hyperdocs for Teachers?!

During our distance/virtual learning endeavors, many of us resorted to Hyperdocs. We can stick everything the student needs access to into one Google Slides Presentation or a PDF. They click the links, do the work and parents don’t have to chase down websites and documents. Why can’t it be that easy for teachers as well?!

Padlet backgrounds!

I love Padlet – it is not a secret. A little known fact is that I use my own images for Padlet backgrounds. Why? When you love something, you have a clear and obvious passion for it, right? And that passion translated to your audience.

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